As California residents, we know that wildfires are inundating our state, and we are dealing with the effects of these raging fires -- fire and ash. Not only does the ash and smoke affect us, but it affects our vehicles too, especially your cabin air filter. You can think of your vehicle’s cabin air filter as your vehicle’s lungs, and when your car is struggling to breathe, your risk of breathing in contaminated air is significantly higher.
Your cabin air filter is responsible for keeping the air in your vehicle clean and contaminant-free. When your cabin air filter is dirty, you might find yourself breathing in more smoke, ash, dust, pollen, and other debris. When a cabin air filter is freshly installed in your vehicle, the filter will be pristine and sparkling white. However, when your filter is infiltrated with smoke and ash, your cabin air filter darkens, practically to black.
A dirty, ash-filled cabin air filter doesn’t just affect your vehicle’s performance and overall condition, but it also can affect your health, as ash and smoke can enter your cabin. With all the ash in the air due to the CA wildfires, you might need to replace your car’s cabin air filter sooner rather than later. When you bring your vehicle to Convoy Auto Repair, we will carefully inspect your vehicle’s cabin air filter. Because we have seen generations of clients pass through our doors, we deeply care about our customers’ health and safety. We make it a priority to ensure each component of your vehicle is working correctly.
We don’t want your cabin air filter to compromise the health and safety of you and your passengers. Instead, bring your vehicle to Convoy Auto Repair, and we will make sure each component of your vehicle, cabin air filter included, is performing in tip-top shape. Schedule an appointment today. We are located at 3909 Convoy Street, San Diego, CA 92111, and look forward to seeing you soon.