Posted on 10/29/2013

OK guys, it has officially begun raining in San Diego. If you've driven at all the last day or so you're aware of the condition of your windshield wipers (possibly cursing in traffic if they just aren't wiping like they should). We don't have to tell you how important windshield wipers are... that fine layer of dust that has been just fine up until now was likely a thick layer of mud this morning, and between that and your wet brakes and the roads that are now seeing more slick oil than they have all year, it's amazing you made it to work on time and in one piece. Funny thing is, this same scenario seems to happen every year. San Diego gets real warm in October, until one night it just starts raining, and suddenly you're caught with dry, brittle, or even torn windshield wipers. Windshield wipers should be supple - smooth, without cracks or tears, and should glide along your windshield with ease. Maybe, just ma ... read more