Posted on 1/2/2013

Ahh, the new year. We always start off the new year with New Year's Resolutions in which we resolve to make a change from the last year. Common resolutions center around weight (especially after the feasting holiday season), money and life improvement. Car related resolutions also top the list, with many being to finally get that check engine light looked at, get a new car, pay off the car loan, or even just resolutions to clean and maintain the car regularly. Here are the top ways you can resolve to take better care of your car without affecting that other resolution you probably have: to save more money. Car Maintenance Tips Keep your car clean: This seems like a no brainer, but we all know someone who just can't keep their car clean, inside or out (or perhaps you're that someone!). If this is something you could work on, start small. Clean out old receipts, notes, shopping bags, clothe ... read more