Posted on 10/2/2012

Put on your game face and Chargers jersey because it’s time for football! What’s a game without fans coming together for a tailgate beforehand? To make the most of this season, be sure to plan accordingly with the proper food, drinks and tailgating gear. Best Tailgating Accessories We’ve already talked about the 10 best cars for tailgating, so let’s start with tailgating gear necessities. Stock your cooler with a lot of beer, water, and other refreshments. When it comes to food, think barbecue style – hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chili, wings, chips and dip, fruits, condiments, desserts, etc. Also, don’t forget details such as ice, trash bags, paper towels, and disposable plates and utensils. Once you’ve arrived, set up your area to enjoy for the rest of the day. It’s best to have some sort of shade, so an umbrella or canopy will do the trick. For tailgating seating, function an ... read more