Posted on 2/23/2016

Go Kart Racing in San Diego: Top Venues and Tips from Convoy Auto Repair Are you a car enthusiast looking for a fun and safe way to hone your competitive driving skills? Go-kart racing might be just the ticket! Whether you’re seeking heart-pounding thrills or a family-friendly activity, San Diego has plenty of fantastic venues to explore. At Convoy Auto Repair, we understand the love of driving, whether it’s on the track or commuting in your personal or work vehicle. While we take care of your car repair needs, you can hit the track to satisfy your need for speed. Best Go Kart Racing Venues in San Diego K1 Speed: High-Tech Indoor Racing Location: 1709 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92101 K1 Speed is a top-notch indoor racing venue that combines speed, safety, and fun. Their electric go-karts can reach up to 45 mph on a professionally designed quarter-mile track loaded with challenging turns. Whether you're a seasoned racer or a beginner, K1 Speed offers options for ev ... read more
Posted on 5/26/2015

San Diego’s known for having nearly perfect weather pretty much all the time. So when the sun’s overtaken by a chilly, gloomy gray in the months of May and June, it takes many newbies and tourists by surprise. However, locals are quite familiar with this time, affectionately known as “May Gray” and “June Gloom.” There are plenty of scientific explanations for May Gray and June Gloom in San Diego, and you can research them all you want – but it’s not going to change the reality that summer feels more like Maine than sunny Southern California. But fear not! Even when the beach is too cold for your two-piece, there are still plenty of indoor and outdoor activities to keep seasoned locals and first-time tourists happily occupied. Here are our best tips on how to escape May Gray and June Gloom in San Diego (and if we’re lucky, we’ll skip No-Sky July and Fogust th ... read more