Posted on 4/28/2014

As electric and hybrid cars become more and more common, consumers are looking for more options that just the dealer when it comes to hybrid maintenance and repairs. How is a consumer supposed to pick a new mechanic for new technology? Here at Convoy Auto Repair we know we are committed to keeping up with the newest and greatest in green technologies, but how would the average car owner be able to find the right mechanic for their electric vehicle (or hybrid car)? Image: Wikipedia Pop Quiz! Take a note from your least favorite teacher and give any potential mechanic a pop quiz by asking a few simple questions. You'll quickly be able to determine if the mechanic is capable of handling electric and hybrid vehicles, and to make sure they’re ready for your business. First ... read more
Posted on 2/17/2014

Alternative fuel cars are great - they save you loads on gas, they do a pretty decent thing for Planet Earth, some get you into the carpool lane on your solo commute, and they're even starting to look pretty darn stylish. But how do they drive? Dear readers, we are about to tell you which alternative fuel cars we think are the future and which ones we could hardly tolerate during our brief time together. Just to be clear, we drove these cars like we normally would drive a car and abstained from cruel or unusual tests, unless you count the insane freeways of Southern California as cruel and unusual. And in some of these vehicles, doing just that was torment enough... but we'll talk about the Nissan Leaf in Part 2 (ba-dum-bah!). Brains and Beauty - Fun To Drive Alternative Fuel Cars We have got a lot of automotive ground to cover and a bunch of different ways to refuel each of these vehicles. So pay attention, you don ... read more