Posted on 4/11/2013

The type of car you drive has dictated a part of your status, personality and lifestyle since cars became mainstream in America, and car marketers know this. Cars are marketed to different lifestyles for exactly this reason, and just how marketers go about this task is a peek into the different lifestyles themselves. While there are many logical reasons behind the types of cars we buy, car buying is also highly emotional as few other things we buy say as much about us as our cars do. Car marketers do a great job of knowing their intended audience and tend to hit the nail on the head when it comes to presenting a specific car to a specific lifestyle. Here is how different types of cars are marketed to different lifestyles: Trucks: Ah, the truck. At least here in America, the truck will probably always be marketed towards the rugged, manly, git-r-done types. A huge part of this is because trucks are the workhorse of all vehicles, and those in those rugged, manly, git-r ... read more