Posted on 11/14/2013

San Diego may not suffer the extreme temperature drops that other cities do, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have winter! In colder climates, drivers need to think about how to prepare their cars for winter: antifreeze, engine heaters, ice scrapers, snow tires...the list goes on. Here in Southern California, we only really have one major concern: tire pressure and condition. Image: Flickr As the temperatures drop in the winter months, the air in your tires gains density. That increased density means lower air pressure in your tires, leaving them under inflated. What does that mean? Underinflated tires can cause improper tire wear, reducing the lifespan of your tires. They can also reduce your fuel economy, as a tire with low pressure has increased resistance. Most importantly, an underinfla ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2012

It's a scary thought to be driving in the middle of nowhere and have a tire that goes flat. But with the proper preparation and tools, this is a situation that can be easily handled. The tools you should keep in your trunk include a car jack, a wrench and a spare tire. Keeping a flashlight and tire blocks are useful to have as well. After you realize there is a tire issue, find a safe and flat place to pull your car over, set the parking brake, and turn on the hazard lights. Next, take all of the stored tools to the location of the flat tire. Once this is done, it is time to change your tire. How to Change a Tire <>Step 1: Loosen the wheel boltsYou may need to remove the hubcaps from the wheels beforehand. Then, use the wrench to loosen the bolts on the wheels by turning counter-clockwise. Do not completely remove the bolts at this point. Step 2: Raise the carThere are four main jacking points on a car. If you are unsure of the exact points, the owner ... read more
Posted on 12/8/2009
Tires do a lot of work. They transfer engine power and braking forces to the road; they handle steering control; and they cushion all those bumps and jolts. They also support the entire weight of the vehicle, including you and your passengers. With such critical work to do, you want your tires to do their job well. And since replacing tires is fairly expensive, you want them to last as long as possible. There are three keys to long, even tire wear: The front tires on a car take the brunt of the steering forces. As they push through turns, the shoulders of the front tires wear down more quickly than the rear tires. Rotating front and rear tires allows them to all wear at about the same rate. That’s especially true of front wheel drive vehicles whose front tires steer, and put the power to the road. SUVs and pick-ups, especially four wheel drives, also tend to wear their tires more unevenly than cars because of their suspension and drive train set-up. Your owner’s manual will likely co ... read more