Posted on 7/3/2023

Photo by Lorenzo Hamers on Unsplash Do I Need To Go To A Mechanic For Every Dashboard Light? When you're driving, the last thing you want is to see a warning light flashing on your dashboard. It's natural to feel concerned and wonder if you must rush to the nearest auto shop. But the truth is, not every dashboard light requires immediate attention from a mechanic. For most dashboard lights, you can look up what they mean in your manual and determine if going to a mechanic is necessary. You may need to inflate your tires or make a quick fix. Otherwise, it’s best to visit a mechanic for consultation. Understanding the different types of lights and their significance can save you time, money, and unnecessary trips to the auto shop. This blog post will break down the most common dashboard lights and help you determine when to consult a mechanic. T ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2023

Photo by Anja on Unsplash Summer Strut: What Are Your Struts, and What Do They Do? Many components of your car's suspension system work together to ensure a smooth and comfortable ride. One of the most important of these components is the strut. When your car hits a bump or pothole, the struts compress to absorb the impact. The spring in the strut helps to dampen the rebound and prevent the car from bouncing excessively. This helps to keep your car's wheels in contact with the road, providing better traction and control. At Convoy Auto Repair, we want to empower you to take great care of your vehicle. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what struts are, how they work, and why they're so crucial for your car's safety and performance. What Are Struts? First, let's define what struts are. Struts are a type of suspension component designe ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2013

It’s the holiday season, which means an estimated 90% of holiday travel will occur via automobile as people head out to join their families (according to the AAA 2012/2013 Year-End Holidays Travel Forecast). Is your car ready for the journey? Image: Flickr Depending on how far you’re going, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared in different ways. If you're sticking to shorter trips (say, from San Diego to Los Angeles) you should inspect and top off your fluids, inspect your tires for damage or excessive wear, and maybe make sure there are spare batteries around for any electronics your kids are using to distract them from the drive. For longer trips, such as up to the Bay Area and beyond, you should take a little more time with your fluid checks. If you’re already overdue for a service such as an oil change or a new set of brakes, you should ha ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2012

We may still be in San Diego, but even paradise gets a little rain. With the rainy season upon us (and those menacing rain clouds overhead more frequently now), it's time for a refresh on how to safely drive around in the rain. Any San Diego driver who's ever been on a freeway when it's raining can attest that traffic seems to slow to a crawl or stop completely, sometimes even when it's just sprinkling. Frustrating, right? Hopefully everyone will follow these tips and we can all get to work and home safely. Stick to the speed limit: Rainy weather is not the time for speeding no matter how late you are because that's how accidents happen. You don't need to drive extra slowly, either, unless there is torrential rain, or you could get rear-ended. If it's the first rain of the season the roads will be extra slick with oil coming out of the cracks, so be extra careful. Stay out of the fast lane: There wi ... read more