Posted on 4/1/2017

We were reminded of this adage due to the particularly wet winter we had. But the dryness of Summer is still far off. So, with some wet weather still to go, we thought we would share some simple tips that will help keep you safer in the wet weather. Rain changes things about driving, and habits that you might have may need to be adjusted. Slow down and increase the distance between yourself and the next car. You have a poorer stopping distance on wet surfaces. Turn on your lights, even during the day. Other cars notice you more quickly with your lights on. When turning, brake before you enter the turn, not during the turn, then accelerate out of the turn. Avoid driving in the ruts that naturally form within lanes by driving just slightly off center from the lane. Water pools in these ruts and you can hydroplane in a deep patch. Take extra care to avoid water where you can't see the bottom. That puddle might be hiding a deep pothole. If they need it, make sure you've replaced ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2012

We may still be in San Diego, but even paradise gets a little rain. With the rainy season upon us (and those menacing rain clouds overhead more frequently now), it's time for a refresh on how to safely drive around in the rain. Any San Diego driver who's ever been on a freeway when it's raining can attest that traffic seems to slow to a crawl or stop completely, sometimes even when it's just sprinkling. Frustrating, right? Hopefully everyone will follow these tips and we can all get to work and home safely. Stick to the speed limit: Rainy weather is not the time for speeding no matter how late you are because that's how accidents happen. You don't need to drive extra slowly, either, unless there is torrential rain, or you could get rear-ended. If it's the first rain of the season the roads will be extra slick with oil coming out of the cracks, so be extra careful. Stay out of the fast lane: There wi ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2012

Although it's officially been the fall season for some time now, it's only just now starting to feel like autumn in San Diego. However, this means cool weather - and rain! - is not far behind. As preparation for the season, make sure your car is in prime condition. When the seasons are a-changing, it 's always a good idea to take your car to a local mechanic for a check-up. Things to look at include the battery, antifreeze level, heater, brakes and defroster. In addition, have any other miscellaneous fluids checked, especially if the last maintenance check was over summer. This will ensure the basic functions are in order and you won't be subject to unpleasant surprises. Another important place to focus on is the tires. Be sure there is enough tread left to handle the slick roads and rotate the tires. Rainy weather also calls for the use of ... read more