Posted on 11/5/2012

Small businesses are often touted as being a boon to local communities, doing things larger companies never think to do. This is the story of how one San Diego business reached out to a fellow resident and bicyclist, directly helping his neighbor and community. Those in San Diego, as well as many other cities around the world, may know of an event known as Critical Mass. Started loosely as a protest in San Francisco in the early 1990s, Critical Mass is a massive community bike ride around town. Hundreds and sometimes more than a thousand residents gather on their bicycles to take a ride through the city. San Diego's route, which is the last Friday of the month at 8pm, goes from Balboa Park, through South Park to the Gaslamp, to the airport, and then back to Broadway Street and Seaport Village, where riders are free to go where they choose. However ... read more