Posted on 11/9/2016
The holidays usually means that you and your family will be hitting the road more frequently. Between the drives around town to purchase holiday items and attend holiday parties, to driving longer distances to visit loved ones, your vehicle is likely to have an uptick in mileage demands. Therefore, the big question is: Is your vehicle ready for the holidays? Here are the top five things your vehicle requires to be ready for the holiday season: Tires that have a safe amount of tread, are properly aligned and are inflated to the ideal amount for better fuel economy. If your tires are flat, bald, worn unevenly, or show signs of bulging, you may need new tires. Wiper blades that keep your windshield clean and are in good shape. Most windshield wipers are meant to last for one year. If you see cracking, strips, or bits of rubber missing from your wiper blades, it’s time to replace them. Fluids are what makes your car operate smoothly. Without the prop ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2014
Did you know Convoy Auto Repair performs hybrid car repair and maintenance? While most hybrid and electric car warranties require repairs to be performed at the dealership, routine maintenance can be performed by any auto repair shop, often for far cheaper. ) Our mechanics take part in ongoing training in order to service the latest hybrid and electric vehicles to ensure each customer is receiving the highest quality care regardless of what type of car they drive. Once your electric car is out of its warranty, you can get any hybrid car repair or maintenance done anywhere you please. Hybrid cars, especially, have most of the same parts as traditional cars, and those parts will need replacing and servicing as time goes on. Even all electric cars have many of the same parts that need attention over the years. Why not bring your car to Convoy Auto Repair? We offer plenty of extra conveniences to make your auto repair experience as ... read more
Posted on 3/4/2014

Older Car Care There are few things as frustrating as car troubles. In addition to not being able to get around, you are often looking at expensive bills and a struggle to understand what’s wrong. Older cars have these issues more frequently, making the owners of these cars question whether the trouble is worth not having a car payment. You already know that regular maintenance is crucial to keeping an older car on the road; we identify 6 ways to get the most out of car maintenance and necessary auto repairs, making it easier to save time and money on your car. Image: Flickr How to get the most out of your auto repairs Provide a detailed description of the problem to service writer First and foremost, make sure you fully explain the problem your car is having to the se ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2013

Last week, we showed you the 10 most unreliable cars of 2013, but wanted to leave some hope for the future (the new year is fast approaching - we like to start it off on the right foot). This time we're featuring the 10 safest cars for 2014, but you'll be pleased to see some stylish, high performing vehicles among the safest. Car Safety Ratings New car, truck and SUV safety is a difficult thing to gauge not only because there are two main sources of information regarding crash testing—in the United States the Federal Government runs the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), which also issues vehicle recalls, and there is also the IIHS (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), which recently came out with an even more stringent test for new models, but also because "safety" can be a relative term when it comes to something as personal and important as driving. While we find the NHTSA&rsqu ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2013

There is no market segment out there in the car industry that is more important to consumers or has the ability to make or break the profitability of a car company. That market segment, of course, is the family SUV segment and it covers such a wide depth and breadth of pricing, size and luxury that you could say it mirrors the state of American families today perfectly. These vehicles are the daily workhorses used by millions to haul kids to school, perform hauling duties, tow trailers and generally be pushed to the limits of their ability. So they really, really have to be good. As follows is our list of the top ten best family SUVs on the market today and we have test driven all of them to ensure that they are the best of the best. They are all at the top of the heap when it comes to crash test safety so you can also be sure they will keep your family safe in case of an accident. And of lesser importance, they all have interiors robust enough to withstand countless juice box s ... read more
Posted on 8/21/2013

Last week we attacked some of the most popular myths about American cars and totally BUSTED them. We rounded up the 10 most widely believed myths about American-made cars that car buyers still believe and present the evidence that proves they're all talk. This week, we have the second half of our car myths ready for busting! Adam and Jamie would be proud. Myth 6: All three companies would have gone under completely without Government aid—This may have been so in the case of Chrysler and GM (and even they paid off their aid in record time) but Ford took no Government aid, borrowing instead against everything the company owned - including its own logo. This paid off and now Ford is running a huge profit on it ... read more
Posted on 8/13/2013

For decades, many in the car-buying public looked upon the vehicles built by “The Big Three” (also known as Chrysler, Ford and GM) as inferior pieces of engineering work and inferior when it came to quality. Sadly, there were a few years way back when that this preconceived notion about American automobiles was wholeheartedly true; they simply were not as good as the European or Japanese competition. However, it has now been years since quality surveys showed any difference in vehicle quality due to where the manufacturer is based. If you look around nowadays, carmakers like Honda, BMW and Kia are just as likely to announce a recall on one of their vehicles for a safety or quality problem. Cars, trucks, SUVs, crossovers and even minivans are still mainly assembled by and are the creations of human beings and, sadly, humans are fallible and sometimes make mistakes. So perhaps it’s time you reconsider some of your pre-held n ... read more
Posted on 7/17/2013

Detroit was once a haven for prosperity and American-grown innovation thanks to its booming auto industry. But in 2008, this image changed as the “Big Three” auto manufacturers – General Motors, Chrysler and Ford – began to face catastrophic losses, known as the Detroit Auto Crisis. The Big Three, looking to earn high profit margins on their cars, focused their attention on SUVs and pickup trucks, cars with low fuel efficiency, which became unpopular as gas prices soared. Once gas prices tipped above $4 a gallon, gas-guzzling cars became totally undesirable, and the Big Three saw historic losses. High gas prices coupled with the stock market crash in September 2008 all but crippled the Big Three, particularly General Motors. In November 2008, General Motors’ Chief Executive pled before Congress for support. In December, the company was granted a $13.4 loan. Sales continued to plummet for the Big ... read more
Posted on 3/27/2013
We're often asked why our customers should take their cars to Convoy Auto Repair and not one of our competitors. Our answer? We're have some of San Diego's best auto mechanics. While we can't necessarily speak to the abilities of our competitors, we can speak to the abilities of our mechanics and the kind of atmosphere we create at Convoy Auto Repair. Our auto repair technicians are all master trained technicians - we hire from the best auto mechanics in San Diego. In addition to being ASE certified, our auto repair technicians live, eat and breathe cars and car repair. They really, truly love what they do and go out of their way to help their customers. Watch our video for more about what makes Convoy Auto Repair attract San Diego's best auto mechanics, and why it's such a great place to work (or bring your car in). You can also check out our YouTube channel and find our other videos and some f ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2012

This year, with Black Friday sales starting while some families will still be enjoying their pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving evening, Small Business Saturday is aiming to take a step in the opposite direction by encouraging shoppers to spend their money locally. Rather than give all of your holiday spending money to giant corporations who care about nothing but a profit, spend at least some of your money at local small businesses this Saturday, November 24th, 2012. Convoy Auto Repair, along with hundreds of other local small businesses, is taking part in Small Business Saturday with special deals and discounts for San Diego natives and their visitors. Small businesses are vitally important to communities around the country and they deserve support year round. This year is the second annual Small Business Saturday event, whi ... read more