Many motorists wait too long before seeking out brake service, a situation that is made worse when winter comes calling.

Under slick winter driving conditions, drivers will often attribute a lack of stopping power to ice on the roads rather than considering the possibility that a brake repair may be necessary. Small problems that are present during summer driving may begin to manifest themselves as winter hits, making a car far more difficult to control.
Drivers will often notice that their brake pedal requires more force to create a result, that the wheels squeal as they stop, or that the car pulls to the left or right when braking. These are all signs that a brake service is needed.
To avoid winter driving complications, drivers should have their brakes serviced and a brake repair done, if necessary, before winter hits. Experienced technicians can check the fluid levels in the brake system, the brake lines and hoses, as well as the brake pads themselves to ensure even wearing and proper tension distribution.
In many winter driving situations, the effectiveness of your brakes can be the difference between stopping just short of an accident and placing a call to your insurance company.
Image: Henry Payne for Detroit News