OK guys, it has officially begun raining in San Diego. If you've driven at all the last day or so you're aware of the condition of your windshield wipers (possibly cursing in traffic if they just aren't wiping like they should). We don't have to tell you how important windshield wipers are... that fine layer of dust that has been just fine up until now was likely a thick layer of mud this morning, and between that and your wet brakes and the roads that are now seeing more slick oil than they have all year, it's amazing you made it to work on time and in one piece.
Funny thing is, this same scenario seems to happen every year. San Diego gets real warm in October, until one night it just starts raining, and suddenly you're caught with dry, brittle, or even torn windshield wipers. Windshield wipers should be supple - smooth, without cracks or tears, and should glide along your windshield with ease. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to replace your windshield wipers.
It is a common piece of routine automotive maintenance that most car owners overlook, but any qualified service technician (like the ones at Convoy Auto Repair) should always check the condition of your wiper blades each time you come in for routine oil change service. All of your vital fluids, your brake pad condition as well as the condition of your tires are checked (or should be) during routine maintenance visits so it only makes sense that your wiper blades be checked as well.
National Change Your Windshield Wipers Day is both a thing (apparently) and celebrated on February 2. But are you really going to wait another 3+ months through our unpredictable rainy season? Through the holiday travel season? Allow us to tell you how to replace your windshield wipers so you can be a safe driver today.
If you find yourself out on the road with worn and useless wiper blades what do you do? Well, first you have to find an auto parts store where you can buy the wipers that are made to fit your year, make and model of vehicle. No, all wiper blades are not the same and you need to buy the ones designed to not only clear your windshield but also attach properly to the wiper arms.

Removing your old wiper blades is a simple matter of unlatching the snap connected to the wiper arms connected to your car, and then re-snapping the new wiper blades in their place. But some wiper blade arms are trickier than others so never be afraid to ask someone from the parts store, or, if possible, the service department, to come out and help you install the wiper blades. They should have experience replacing them nearly every day but still remember to say please and thank you for their help which will guarantee you will be back on the road with a clear view out of your windshield in just a “snap.” And if you're coming in to Convoy Auto Repair for your rainy season brake service or you've had an oil change or smog check already scheduled, we'd be happy to replace your windshield wipers for you.