It may be fall in San Diego, but it's still as hot as summer. Unfortunately, not every car has air conditioning, making getting in a hot car near unbearable. Perhaps the A/C system is too costly to repair, or maybe the car is just too old. Regardless of the issue, cars without an interior cool-down can be brutal during a heatwave. Here are some ideas of how to cool down your vehicle sans air conditioning.
Park in the shade:
If it’s sizing up to be a hot day, try to find a covered spot to park your car. This will keep the sun from beating down on it, which leads to a cooler car inside.
Buy a sunshade:
If you must park in the sun, which is a more likely scenario, have your sunshade ready. The reflective piece placed over your windshield will reflect the light – and heat – from your car.
Windows down:
If you feel safe to do so, keep your windows cracked while the car is parked someplace. A slight air circulation makes a difference when a vehicle has been sitting in the sun for too long. Once inside your car, roll the windows all the way down. It may take longer to cool, but once you get on the freeway, you'll be feeling fine!
Buy a portable fan:
A great way to get airflow is with a portable fan. Find a small fan that can attach to your dashboard or clip to the interior car vent. Usually, these fans plug into the power outlet in the vehicle.
Time your trip:
If you have a flexible schedule, time your trip for mornings or evenings. This way, the midday heat can be avoided.
Keep it light:
If possible, keep clothing to a minimum while in the car. Have a change of clothes handy so that you can adjust accordingly when you reach your location. Less clothing will reduce body temperature. If reduced clothing isn't an option, aim to wear light colors, as dark colors will absorb the heat.
Drink cold beverages:
Keeping cold drinks in the car will help you cool down. Carry an ice-cold water bottle to stay hydrated and to reduce body heat.
You can always bring your car in to Convoy Auto Repair for air conditioning service or a quick inspection.
Image from ImgFave