Most San Diego schools only have a few weeks before classes start up again, and that makes August the perfect time to fit in some last minute road trips before you have to get back to the grind! But even if you aren't in school (or don't have kids who are), there's something about August that just screams road trip season - we think it has a lot to do with the heat! But in San Diego, the real heat doesn't begin until September. If you're looking to heat up the summer before it ends, you'll delight in taking a trip to a hot destination during the hottest season. The desert in the heat of summer offers a dramatic experience for the more determined traveler, and a stunning road trip from San Diego. And if you're looking for a hot summer road trip destination, we have some places in mind - in the most literal sense!

Image: Pixabay
Here are a few of our favorite HOT San Diego summer road trip destinations:
Death Valley
This famous desert on the California/Nevada border offers incredible landscape, seemingly miraculous wildlife (check out the Death Valley Pupfish!), and a view of the sky that’s hard to beat. The drive from San Diego to Death Valley takes about 5 hours and goes through some of southern California’s hotter and drier regions. Make sure your AC is in good shape before you head out!
Joshua Tree
Did you know that Joshua Tree National Park is named after a species of Yucca? It’s true! This unique and distinctive plant is native to the region and the park takes it’s name from the trees that dot the arid landscape. Joshua Tree is a popular destination for hiking, birding, and rock climbing, but make sure you bring enough water and sunscreen for the intense summer sun. It takes about 2.5 hours to get to Joshua Tree from San Diego - perfect for a weekend getaway!
Palm Springs
If you’re interested in both seeing the desert and relaxing pool-side in one weekend, you can always head to Palm Springs! This well known desert oasis city was once the playground of old-Hollywood elite, and it retains its vintage charm to this day! If you want to try and beat the heat, you can also take the aerial tram up to the San Jacinto mountains for a breathtaking view of the desert below. Take an early morning hike while it's cool, spend the afternoon relaxing by the pool, and head into town for the nightlife! The drive to Palm Springs is an easy - and beautiful, if you take the 79 - 2 hours from San Diego.
White Sands
If all these trips seem too short, maybe the desert you’re looking for is White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. This natural marvel is surrounded by military installations on all sides, including the infamous White Sands Missile Range. The bright white sand is almost impossible to believe, until you see the bright blue lizards running across it! White Sands is a 10 hour road trip from San Diego, so make sure to map other stops on your way through Arizona!
The American Southwest is FULL of desert landscape, making a picturesque summer road trip possible in nearly any season. At Convoy Auto Repair, we love a good San Diego summer road trip. Where are you headed this summer?