Posted on 10/6/2014

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Around the country, survivors and supporters are getting out into the community this month to take part in racing events, fundraising campaigns, educational tours, and much more. Even the NFL wears pink during the month of October to help raise awareness for the most common type of cancer in women. Convoy Auto Repair is taking part in helping to raise awareness, too. Throughout October, you can buy Autotex PINK windshield wiper blades at Convoy Auto Repair. We're selling the blades for $12.99 to $14.99 based on size (we install each blade for free). Autotex will then donate 10% of sales to the National Breast Cancer Foundation – every month, not just in October! These windshield wiper blades are truly a purchase that will wipe out breast cancer and contr ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2013

OK guys, it has officially begun raining in San Diego. If you've driven at all the last day or so you're aware of the condition of your windshield wipers (possibly cursing in traffic if they just aren't wiping like they should). We don't have to tell you how important windshield wipers are... that fine layer of dust that has been just fine up until now was likely a thick layer of mud this morning, and between that and your wet brakes and the roads that are now seeing more slick oil than they have all year, it's amazing you made it to work on time and in one piece. Funny thing is, this same scenario seems to happen every year. San Diego gets real warm in October, until one night it just starts raining, and suddenly you're caught with dry, brittle, or even torn windshield wipers. Windshield wipers should be supple - smooth, without cracks or tears, and should glide along your windshield with ease. Maybe, just ma ... read more
Posted on 11/9/2011
If you're gonna drive around the San Diego area, you've got to be able to see! So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important. We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our windshield is just dirty. It seems like your wiper blades are always at their worst when you need them the most. But windshield wipers are like most other vehicle parts - they require regular attention in order to work their best. You really ought to replace your wiper blades twice a year; in the spring and the fall. If it's going to be a particularly harsh winter in San Diego, you may even want to get special winter blades in the fall. Winter blades are designed to resist freezing. Speaking of winter and freezing conditions, if your car has been sitting for a long time and the windshield becomes frozen, don't use your wipers to clear off snow and ice. That'll just tear up the blades a ... read more