Posted on 6/30/2015

When your mechanic calls you and gives an estimate for repairs, how do you know if it’s fair? Most people aren’t as technically proficient as a mechanic or automobile engineer are, so it’s tough to understand what all the items in the estimate actually are and why they’re necessary. We aim to make the mechanic estimate a little less mysterious and more transparent so you’ll be to get your car fixed without worrying about being ripped off. Read on and start understanding mechanic estimates today. What’s In an Estimate? While the exact contents from an estimate vary from shop to ship, generally, the auto mechanic estimate can be dissected into six main parts: Customer/Vehicle Information, Parts, Labor, Miscellaneous Charges, Flat Fees, and Summary of Charges. Make sure that all of these sections are accounted for in the estimate and are itemized to ensure there won’t be any hidden costs Now, it’s time to break down what each of these parts ... read more
Posted on 6/27/2012
We've all seen people do crazy things while driving to or from San Diego. A guy shaving in the rear-view mirror, a woman applying makeup, people talking on their phones, texting or drinking from an enormous coffee mug. All of these are an accident waiting to happen.The truth is everyone in San Diego CA is distracted when we drive. Traffic, road construction and other things outside the car are beyond our control. But the distractions inside our car are things we can often control.Here's some things that'll give you more control in your car, and help keep your attention on the roads around San Diego CA.Handling Distractions While Driving Drivers who are 16 to 20 years old tend to be more distracted by the radio, CD or MP3 player. Drivers who are 20 to 29 are more distracted by passengers in the car, including small children. And those over age 65 tend to be more distracted by objects or events that are outside of the vehicle.Other factors like fatigue, stress and lack of sleep make it ... read more
Posted on 2/8/2012
Make an appointment with Convoy Auto Repair to have your on board diagnostics analyzed.3909 Convoy St.San Diego, CA 92111858-560-9131 Today we're going to talk about on-board diagnostics and the questions we hear from folks around San Diego who need answers about diagnostic services. They want to know what diagnostics are, what's involved and what the benefits are. They really want to understand the value of diagnostic scans by a trained technician in San Diego. These are valid concerns. If you don't understand something it's really hard to know its value. Let's start with some history. Since 1996, all cars and light trucks have been required to use a standardized diagnostic system to help repair technicians determine what's wrong with your vehicle. The diagnostic system works with the vehicle's Engine Control Module - the computer that controls many engine functions. The computer monitors dozens of components and processes. Depending on what the sens ... read more
Posted on 6/9/2011
We find that a lot of people at Convoy Auto Repair are a little tentative when they talk with their automotive advisors. They want to ask questions, but don't want to be embarrassed or to seem pushy. Cars are very complicated and there's more to know about them than most of us have the time to learn. Maybe it's because cars have become so much more reliable that the average person just doesn't need to know as much to keep their vehicle on the road. You know, your local hospital has a Patient's Bill of Rights that they post throughout the hospital. We think our automotive service customers also have a right to ask any question they need to understand what is wrong with their car and what it will take to fix it. They need to feel free to ask the cost and benefits of recommended services. And they certainly have a right to understand the financial end of the transaction. It's all about the communication. It's a little harder when you're trying to find the right s ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2011

When it comes to car towing, finding a towing service that can perform on a regular basis is important. Here are five key features any great tow service should have. 1) Price. The price for the distance towed should be reasonable and stated up-front. Some car towing services will negotiate. 2) Speed. Companies will be busier depending on the time of day, but consider their average response time. 3) Safety. Make sure to examine the tow truck when it arrives. Does the operator know what he or she is doing? Is the truck in good condition? 4) Skill. Is your car well-handled when it is pulled up by the truck? Make sure that the operator has the skill to get you and your vehicle to your destination. 5) Reputation. Before using any car towing service, it is a good idea to quickly research their reputation online. Companies with good service will be lauded; those without will be easily found. Getting your car towed is somet ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2010
One might say the most challenging part of being an automotive service technician at Convoy Auto Repair in San Diego CA is diagnosing a problem before it can be fixed. Cars are made up of a bunch of complex systems. There usually could be a number of reasons for any given symptom. So it's challenging to track down the actual cause of the problem. And it can be frustrating for the vehicle owner because it can take time and money to get to the bottom of a problem. If it's not something obvious, it's easy for the customer to focus on the fixing and not the diagnosing. Let us introduce you to something we'll call Customer Detective Work – that is helping your San Diego CA technician find clues to what's wrong. We start with the detective basics: What, Where and When. Play along with me. You come in to Convoy Auto Repair and your car is making a funny sound. Do you see where we're going? You're gathering additional information to help your San Diego CA te ... read more
Posted on 9/7/2010
We're going to be talking about the ethics of auto repair. It seems like news outlets really like hit-and-run reporting; they hit everyone from groceries stores to retail to physicians. And the San Diego automotive service and repair industry hasn't been given a pass either. Unfortunately, every profession in San Diego has some bad actors that hurt the reputation of everyone else. On the automotive side, industry associations and professional licensing organizations are very committed to high ethical standards. Yet some people remain uncomfortable with San Diego automotive service and repair. It may start with the fact that our vehicles are a big investment and we rely on them for so much in our lives. That alone guarantees our attention. And how well we understand the recommendations really impacts our comfort level. If we understand what's recommended and the benefits of taking care of the work – and the pitfalls of putting it off – we'll have more trust in the recommendation. So co ... read more
Posted on 7/14/2010
All pilots have checklists for every aspect of flying. They always use their checklists even if they only have two steps on them. They do this simply because a checklist is a great way to not forget important steps. It is also how you can assure a predictable outcome. That is why Tierrasanta and Kearny Mesa automotive service centers have procedural standards for each service they perform. Technicians are trained step by step. And they perform the procedures step by step, the same way each time. By training to procedural standards, centers can assure a quality outcome. The job is done right every time and you are happy with how your car performs. Each company trains its technicians to standards. The industry as a whole is very committed to standards of excellence and encourages individual service center operators to apply them to every vehicle they service. An example is how service technicians grade problems and communicate their recommendations. If a technician tells you that a rep ... read more
Posted on 12/8/2009

New car dealership closings are all over the news. Nearly 800 Chrysler dealerships canceled. About 1,100 GM dealers’ contracts will not be renewed after October 2010. And record numbers are just shutting down because they aren’t selling enough cars and trucks to stay in business. It’s estimated that some 40,000 dealership service bays could be taken out of service in the next year or so. Of course, this is a tragedy for those who work at our local San Diego dealerships and the owners that risk losing much of their life’s work. Our San Diego communities will lose some of our best corporate citizens. Think of all the youth sports team, service clubs and San Diego community events that have been sponsored by our local new car dealers. One question we hear a lot is, 'Who will service my car?' Folks are concerned that they will not get the care and attention they need. They're wondering where they will find trained technicians in the San Diego area. Will they be able to get quality r ... read more