Posted on 5/4/2011

Every day we get customers phone shopping and asking, “How much do brakes cost?” 99% of the time, the brakes have yet to be inspected. When you call a mass merchandiser or an independent auto shop whose only concern is getting your car into their garage, they will often quote you the lowest possible “starting at” entry level pricing. Unfortunately, this can be very misleading. Even if they do replace brakes at their quoted lower cost, they are generally short cutting the proper process and/or using substandard parts. Many times, these brakes are lower in performance than the ones your vehicle originally came with, which leaves you with substandard brakes at best. Every year, shops install new brake pads and shoes and reuse the old hardware. We can’t begin to tell you how many of these “$99 brake jobs" we fix and correct annually. Neglecting to replace brake hardware when replacing brake pads or shoes could lead to premature wear and timely ret ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2011
Good brakes are obviously very important. If you've ever had your brakes go out while you're driving around the San Diego area, you'll know how terrifying it can be. Today we'll focus on how to tell when you have a brake problem, and how to make good repair choices. Often, the first indication that something's wrong with the brakes is an unusual sound. It could be a squeal, chatter or grinding sound. Some brake pads have a little piece of metal embedded in them that will make a squeal or chirping sound when the brake pads have been worn down to the point that they need to be replaced. It's an early warning indicator. When you hear that sound, schedule an appointment at Convoy Auto Repair soon. Now a chattering sound is more urgent. That usually indicates that something is loose. It could be a brake pad or even the brake calipers. If one of those parts falls off, you could have some serious trouble stopping the vehicle. It would be a g ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2011

Many motorists wait too long before seeking out brake service, a situation that is made worse when winter comes calling. Under slick winter driving conditions, drivers will often attribute a lack of stopping power to ice on the roads rather than considering the possibility that a brake repair may be necessary. Small problems that are present during summer driving may begin to manifest themselves as winter hits, making a car far more difficult to control. Drivers will often notice that their brake pedal requires more force to create a result, that the wheels squeal as they stop, or that the car pulls to the left or right when braking. These are all signs that a brake service is needed. To avoid winter driving complications, drivers should have their brakes serviced and a brake repair done, if necessary, before winter hits. Experienced technicians can check the fluid levels in the brake system, the ... read more
Posted on 12/8/2009
Richard Petty once said “You’ve gotta have good brakes. If you’ve got good brakes you can keep yourself out of a lotta trouble.” That’s why a regular brake inspection is on every San Diego car’s maintenance schedule. An inspection at Convoy Auto Repair will check your brake system and let you know if there are any problems. Of course, if you’re having trouble with your brakes, get your car into Convoy right away for brake service. Here are some symptoms to watch for: If you are experiencing any of these, it’s time to get your brakes checked. There are two types of brakes: disk and drum. Disk brakes have a rotor that’s attached to the axle. Calipers straddle the rotor, kind of like the brakes on a bicycle. Drum brakes are more common on back wheels. Both types have pads or shoes that press against the brakes and slow the vehicle. Brake pads and shoes are made out of very tough material to withstand the heat and force generated when stopping your car ... read more