Posted on 9/1/2019

Back-to-school season is here, which means it is time to plan those carpooling rides to those soccer games, the last-minute dash to the store for a forgotten school supply. During these moments of sanity, the last thing you want to worry about is the condition of your vehicle. Instead, go through this back-to-school checklist for car maintenance: It might be time for an oil change. Pay attention to your battery; we don’t want you dealing with a dead car on the first day of class. Your lights need to be as bright as your children’s future! Make sure a technician performs a thorough inspection. Your fluids most likely need to be checked to ensure they are at the right level. If your vehicle is leaking liquid, this is a sign you need to schedule a visit to the team at Convoy Auto Repair. Examine your tires for uneven tread wear and low tire pressure. Replace the windshield wipers. Your heater and defroster should be exami ... read more