Posted on 11/25/2014

This week, you've probably got turkey on the brain. You may also have certain Black Friday deals lurking in the back of your mind. We're stressed with finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones this time of year, as that magical combination of thoughtfulness, practicality, and generosity seems impossible to find. Allow us to suggest an alternative to waiting in line in the middle of the night this Friday to get a generic "big box" gift (or worse, patronizing businesses that are open on Thanksgiving Day): car parts. You may initially think that gifting car parts isn't interesting, or romantic, or even thoughtful. We disagree. Car parts make great gifts – yes, even for your wife. Not convinced? Read on! Gifts for Car Lovers New Battery Nothing says “I love you” quite as much as a new battery. Just imagine your loved one struggling to start their car on a dark and rainy night in a deserted ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2014

We're almost officially into the holiday shopping season, which means commercials for jewelry and perfume and various other things no one really needs are going to be stuffed on every viewing platform until December 25th. Among those are the commercials and advertisements that show a very happy recipient hugging a very pleased gift-giver standing in front of a shiny vehicle with a giant red bow on a snowy driveway. How could you not win gift-giver of the century with a car? Plus, a car is something the recipient probably actually needs (or is at least more practical than jewelry), so wouldn't a car make the perfect gift? The answer is no; you should never buy a car as a gift. There are many reasons why you should never buy a car as a gift. Car makers capitalize on the idea that we should get gifts we deserve. This notion is meaningless, because by definition a gift is something given without it being earned and without pa ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2014

The holidays are the busiest travel season of the year, but not everyone is headed back home! The winter season can be the best time to take a little road trip with family or friends and enjoy some quality time together. Here are a few of our favorite holiday destinations! Image: Flickr Holiday Vacations Palm Springs If you’re looking for swinging, happening place to spend the holidays, look no further than southern California’s own desert oasis. The ret ... read more
Posted on 11/4/2014

It’s been an odd summer for San Diego, and we’re supposed to have a wet winter. Are you ready for the slick roads and unexpected occurrences while driving? When the roads are wet, stopping times are increased because of a loss of friction on the roadway, and sometimes because of water on your brake rotors. Have you inspected your rotors and brake pads for signs of excessive wear? What you should look for: Brake pad wear Most brake pads have “wear detectors,” but sometimes those can be inaccurate or your pads might not have them. In a full brake system inspection, techs will take a look at the material left on your brake pads using a micrometer and making sure your pads will stop you in an emergency. Brake rotor wear Brake rotors not only wear down over time, but they can also warp. If you have had a serious emergency stop recently or forgot to take your parking brake off, you might want to have your rotors checked for warpage. If rotors are allowed to get ... read more