Posted on 11/25/2013

Image: Flickr If there’s anything that San Diegans love more than outdoor adventures, it’s craft beer. With perfect weather year-round, every weekend is the perfect opportunity for a road trip and no road trip is complete without some liquid refreshment at the end of it (stay classy - no drinking and driving). Unfortunately, there are fewer disappointments more epic than cracking open a delicious beer at the end of a long drive and encountering a warm or skunked brew. Oh, the humanity! However, there are ways to avoid this tragedy. We’re here to let you in on some craft beer secrets – what are some beers that travel well on long road trips? First off – the container. Beer growlers most often hold 64 fluid oz. of delicious beer and generally are made of brown glass or stainless steel. “Why ar ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2013

Convoy Auto Repair is getting into the holiday spirit with a month-long toy drive to benefit the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. We are collecting new, unwrapped toys from November 15 through December 15. The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. We chose to support this very successful charity as it has an outstanding track record for doing so much for the less fortunate children of San Diego. It is our hope to fill our donation box many times over to help as many children as we can have a wonderful Christmas. "We are extremely grateful for the on-going suppor ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2013

San Diego may not suffer the extreme temperature drops that other cities do, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have winter! In colder climates, drivers need to think about how to prepare their cars for winter: antifreeze, engine heaters, ice scrapers, snow tires...the list goes on. Here in Southern California, we only really have one major concern: tire pressure and condition. Image: Flickr As the temperatures drop in the winter months, the air in your tires gains density. That increased density means lower air pressure in your tires, leaving them under inflated. What does that mean? Underinflated tires can cause improper tire wear, reducing the lifespan of your tires. They can also reduce your fuel economy, as a tire with low pressure has increased resistance. Most importantly, an underinfla ... read more
Posted on 11/6/2013

Did you know that every time you go in for an oil change and tire rotation that you should also be prepared for the possibility of brake maintenance, brake repair or other brake work? Well, as your tires come off every time they're rotated and your car is in the air having its oil changed it just makes sense for any sensible mechanic to check the brake pad life, look for fluid leaks and make sure the brake fluid reservoir is topped up with a dense looking brown fluid. That stuff helps you stop faster and is thus known as “brake fluid.” The one thing that is totally unpredictable from car to car and even from model to model in a brand’s lineup is how quickly your brake pads will wear out each time. Some drivers get fewer than 10,000 miles on a set of pads while others get well over 50,000 miles. That all depends on the quality of the materials selected by the manufacturer of ... read more