Posted on 3/31/2014

Sometimes when you’re car shopping, buying a brand new car just isn’t in the cards. Between the expense of the new car itself, the cost of taxes and registration, and the eventual cost of depreciation, many buyers turn to the used car marketplace to save money and still have a reliable vehicle that fits their needs exactly. That said, there are plenty of reasons why buying used is actually preferable to buying new in just about any situation. Recognizing the value of an older vehicle can save time, hassle, and all sorts of stress. Here are some of the benefits of buying used: Image: FlickrRecalls If you’re buying a used car from a dealer lot, you can bet all the recalls on the car have already been taken care of, and if they haven’t been, it’s the dealer’s responsibility to ... read more
Posted on 3/25/2014

There are thousands of vehicle makes and models for those in the market for a pre-owned vehicle. Buying an older car doesn't have to be a shot in the dark - not with so many amazing choices on the market today. We’ve already covered #10 – 6 of the top 10 used cars, and here is the remainder of our picks to #1! With so many choices available, you’re sure to find the perfect car for your lifestyle, budget, and taste on the used car marketplace. Image: Flickr#5 - Mazda MX-5 The MX-5 may not seem like a very bold choice in a vehicle, but that’s exactly why we think it’s a solid family mover. This Mazda powered minivan is one of the more unique vehicles out there, since it’s based on the popular Mazda 3 platform, but built wi ... read more
Posted on 3/17/2014

When it comes to buying an older car, there are countless options available. No matter what your tastes and needs, there are numerous used (or pre-owned, if that's your preferred lingo) options out there, and numerous price points. If you’re ready to start your search for buying an older vehicle, we’ve put together some great options to jump-start your brain. Here are our picks for number #10-6 of the top 10 best older model or used cars available: Image: Flickr#10 - Toyota Highlander The Highlander combines family-friendly features like 4 doors, seating for 5, and a large cargo area with the legendary Toyota reliability. Toyota came out with the model in 2001, which means there’s a wealth of options available in the used marketplace, which can vary in features, mileage, and care, depending on your budget and needs. #9 - Honda Accord The Honda ... read more
Posted on 3/10/2014

Modern cars have lights for everything channeled through sophisticated computers full of reminders. When you first get a newer car, it’s typically under warranty and the dealer turns off the reminders when you go in for the services. As your new car ages, you might decide to postpone a scheduled service, or do some maintenance in your own garage. But how do you get those pesky lights to turn off? Image: Flickr First, take a look at your owner’s manual and make sure you aren’t doing any damage by turning off the service reminder light without performing the service - there is a reason these lights are on! Some cars have an oil change reminder light, a service that many people choose to perform in their own driveway. Other cars have a service light that comes on at specific mileages (30K, 60K ... read more
Posted on 3/4/2014

Older Car Care There are few things as frustrating as car troubles. In addition to not being able to get around, you are often looking at expensive bills and a struggle to understand what’s wrong. Older cars have these issues more frequently, making the owners of these cars question whether the trouble is worth not having a car payment. You already know that regular maintenance is crucial to keeping an older car on the road; we identify 6 ways to get the most out of car maintenance and necessary auto repairs, making it easier to save time and money on your car. Image: Flickr How to get the most out of your auto repairs Provide a detailed description of the problem to service writer First and foremost, make sure you fully explain the problem your car is having to the se ... read more