Posted on 6/20/2013

We came across this great San Diego infographic that basically says why our city is the best city in the country! (Not that we need a lot of convincing, but it does make some good points.) We know there are plenty of other wonderful cities in America that have some or more of the things that makes San Diego the happiest city, but the stats certainly do not lie. Plus, we can think of a thousand reasons why San Diegans tend to be happy that didn't make this list: the amazing events San Diego has every year (Comic Con is coming up!), miles of wide freeways and twisted mountain roads, the small town feel in a massive city, the crazy diversity of people and lifestyles, we could go on! If you have any of your own, we'd love to hear about them in the comments. ... read more
Posted on 6/13/2013

The summer solstice is one week away and temperatures outside just keep getting warmer. We decided that we should compile a top ten list of warm weather driving tips for any conscientious and safe driver (and that's you, right?). As summer is a time when many families embark on road trips in their car, truck, SUV or minivan we figured that the notion of staying safe on the road would be paramount. We know that when all our loved ones are in the car the last thing we want is a total mechanical breakdown with no functioning air conditioning. (Mainly we worry about the air conditioning, we won’t lie.) Keep Your Eye on Your Engine Temperature Gauge: When the temperatures rise outside the likelihood of the temperature rising in your engine compartment rises, too, and with that comes danger of a hefty repair ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2013

It’s finally starting to warm up all across this great country of ours meaning it is finally time to start thinking about summer road trip season. And since we have already explored some of the top summer road trip cars, now let’s look at some of the best road trip routes this summer. Some you may have heard of and some may be new to you, but we promise that none of these roads will disappoint. You may even get lucky and avoid cries of "are we there yet?" from the back seat. Tail of the Dragon—Located to the East in the Smoky Mountains along a stretch of US 129, this is considered the most challenging driving road in the United States thanks to 318 curves over the course of just 11 miles. Now, take this road at full speed and your passengers may get nauseous (and you may hit a tree...) so we recommend you try a few passes along ... read more