Posted on 7/1/2019

Has the time come for new tires? When deciding if you need new tires, there are three important things to look for, tread wear, exposure to heat, and tire age, but the team at Convoy Auto Repair is always here to examine your tires to decide whether or not a new set of tires is the right option for you and your vehicle. The first step is to check tread wear. Fortunately, there is a relatively easy way to figure this out, and it all starts with a penny. Simply place the penny on the grooves of your tire, and if any part of Lincoln’s head is hidden by the tread, your tires are in good shape. If not, your tires are too shallow. Regardless of the tread wear, many vehicle manufacturers recommend replacing your tires after six years. Some manufacturers will say ten years, but it all depends on your vehicle. We can help you figure out your manufactuers’ recommendation. With summer upon us, we have to be careful of how these UV rays can affect your vehicle. Expos ... read more