Posted on 1/29/2013

In the last of our New Year's Resolution series, we'll show you how you can use your car to learn something new and reach that goal of self-improvement. Learning something new, trying a new activity, branching out and getting more out of life are all variations of the same resolution theme: to inject more excitement and enjoyment into your life. Learn to speak a new language: Yes, this very popular New Year's Resolution can be done in the car! Get an audio book or download a language learning app and start driving. You know how you have every word to "Livin' On A Prayer" memorized? It was just an awesome song to rock out to while learning to drive. Repetitive listening not only makes it far more likely that something will stick around in your memory, but when you apply it to learning a new language it will also help immensely with the pronunciation. You'll be oui-ing and si-ing in no time ... read more
Posted on 1/22/2013

Our third New Year's Resolution post in the series touches on another very common pledge: to take a vacation. However, people don't always literally resolve to take a vacation (although Americans are notorious for forgoing our hard-earned vacations in favor of working overtime), but they may resolve to learn to take it easy this year, or simply take a break. Sometimes we resolve to get out there more, to enjoy life more, or to live for something other than your 9-5. Vacations provide a ton of mental and emotional benefits that in turn transform into new benefits, like a clearer head to take on a difficult task, a fresh perspective, or even just a new experience you'd never have had otherwise that ends up helping you down the road. But what about the benefits that involve your car? Too often a vacation - especially a road trip - is seen as a stressor for your car. While this certainly can be true, there are other benefits tha ... read more
Posted on 1/14/2013
In the second of our New Year's Resolutions series, we'll explore how you can save money in the new year with your car. Unfortunately, new year's resolutions about money often make people think they are forced to make difficult choices: do you pay down your existing debt or finally get that check engine light looked at? These choices are a result of the common dilemma of more money now or more money later. As people, it's typically too difficult to think in the long term, even when long term choices are the better ones; gratification now is usually preferred, even if it means more work later. The good news is that saving money all year can be both a short term and long term resolution, even when it comes to your car. Perform regular maintenance: We'll start off with an obvious tip. Regular car maintenance means two very important money saving things: one, that your car will stay in top shape longer, requiring fewer and less expensive repairs over ... read more
Posted on 1/2/2013

Ahh, the new year. We always start off the new year with New Year's Resolutions in which we resolve to make a change from the last year. Common resolutions center around weight (especially after the feasting holiday season), money and life improvement. Car related resolutions also top the list, with many being to finally get that check engine light looked at, get a new car, pay off the car loan, or even just resolutions to clean and maintain the car regularly. Here are the top ways you can resolve to take better care of your car without affecting that other resolution you probably have: to save more money. Car Maintenance Tips Keep your car clean: This seems like a no brainer, but we all know someone who just can't keep their car clean, inside or out (or perhaps you're that someone!). If this is something you could work on, start small. Clean out old receipts, notes, shopping bags, clothe ... read more