Posted on 8/1/2019

Back-to-school season is just around the corner, which means it is almost time for those early mornings again, rushing your little one to school before the first bell. With all that time spent in the car, you need to be prepared for anything. An emergency kit is exactly what you need, and here is exactly what needs to go in the kit: Durable canvas bag. Jumper cables. Bottled water. Granola/energy bars. Miniature tool kit. Flashlight. Road maps. Blankets. Rain gear, umbrella, and a ice scrapper. Rags. Cell phone charger. Duct tape. Compass. Reflective triangle. First aid kit. Properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench, and tripod jack. Reflective vest. An emergency car kit is an after-the-fact measure, but at Convoy Auto Repair, we like to stay one step ahead with preventive maintenance. We will keep your vehicle running safe and secure, so you won’t have to ... read more