Posted on 8/26/2014

As cars age, they are more likely to experience hiccups in their reliability and performance, despite your best maintenance and foresight. Here are a few emergency items to keep in your car or trunk for a quick fix on the side of the road or in your driveway, and some bonus items every driver should have with them. Image: Flickr If you have an older car, you may already know the value of having a few supplies with you in case something happens. As cars age, they are more likely to experienc ... read more
Posted on 8/19/2014

Sometimes our older cars give us little puzzles to figure out. Take this 2007 Chevy van, for example. Its owner had brought it in because it had been leaking water, even though there was no sign of a leakage when we got it up on our lift. In fact, the engine looked quite dry. Car engines have weep holes built in, which are designed to leak water slowly so you can tell when it's time to replace the water pump. But in this case, as soon as a little bit of pressure is applied to the engine, the water started gushing like a faucet. The video is actually pretty crazy to see – the water comes out so quickly and full, not to mention all of a sudden. Check out the video to see what we had to do to find the source of the issue for this customer, and how obvious it is that this van's water pump is totally broken. Transcript: Today we're looking at a 2007 Chevy van that came in with a water leak, and as we ... read more
Posted on 8/11/2014

The Golden Years: Keeping The Car Running As we here at Convoy are an automotive service and repair facility, it should come as no surprise that we believe routine maintenance is key to keeping your cherished ride running and looking its best. It also helps that this belief is corroborated by car experts everywhere, so there should be no surprise in this statement to anyone. But what, exactly, should owners of older cars in Southern California be doing whenever they have their car serviced? And what things that aren’t maintenance related can owners do on their own to ensure their car is running in tip top shape? Here are a few tips for anyone with a vehicle enjoying its “Golden Years.” Image: Wikipedia Check Your Tire Condition Yourself Regularly: When you bring your car to ... read more
Posted on 8/4/2014

Most San Diego schools only have a few weeks before classes start up again, and that makes August the perfect time to fit in some last minute road trips before you have to get back to the grind! But even if you aren't in school (or don't have kids who are), there's something about August that just screams road trip season - we think it has a lot to do with the heat! But in San Diego, the real heat doesn't begin until September. If you're looking to heat up the summer before it ends, you'll delight in taking a trip to a hot destination during the hottest season. The desert in the heat of summer offers a dramatic experience for the more determined traveler, and a stunning road trip from San Diego. And if you're looking for a hot summer road trip destination, we have some places in mind - in the most literal sense! Image ... read more