Posted on 4/1/2021

We can’t believe Spring is officially here! It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas and New Year’s, but we couldn’t be more excited for the shining sun, the blooming flowers, and the blue skies. Winter can wreak havoc on your vehicle, as those cold temperatures make your car work that much harder. Spring is the perfect time to bring your vehicle to our shop for preventative maintenance. This way, we can avoid any damage winter may have done to your vehicle. Not only that, but preventative maintenance preserves the longevity, driveability, and safety of your vehicle. Here is how to get your vehicle ready for Spring: Take time for your tires! Winter driving is hard on your vehicle’s tires. Now is the perfect time to inspect, rotate, and align your tires. If you get your tires aligned and rotated, your tires won’t wear as fast. We will also keep an eye on your tires’ tread to ensure none of your tires are balding. Spring ... read more