Posted on 4/27/2015

The test drive is arguably the most important aspect of buying a new car, and skipping it is one of the biggest mistakes car buyers make. Even if you know the exact model you want – options and all – it’s crucial to get behind the wheel before signing any papers. This is especially true when buying a used car. But there’s more to the test drive than just finding out whether or not you fit comfortably in the driver’s seat. How you handle yourself at the dealership let the salesman know if you are desperate for that particular car or if you are a wise shopper taking the time to find the smartest deal. Our best advice is to always test drive three different vehicles that fit your needs. Then ask the sales person for their card and let them know you will return if you decide that’s the car you want. If they pressure you or make you uncomfortable in an attempt to keep you from leaving, don’t go bac ... read more
Posted on 4/21/2015

Vehicle emergencies can happen at any time, and you never want to be caught stranded without an important emergency tool or item. Even if you have a roadside assistance membership, it’s important to have an emergency kit in your car because it will take time for help to arrive, and cell phone reception (and battery life!) isn’t guaranteed. You don’t need to buy a premade kit because making your own doesn’t take much effort, and you can customize it for your unique vehicle and needs. Below are some of the most important things to include in your homemade roadside emergency kit, and a clear plastic bin or a duffel bag works well for storing the items. First aid kit - A first aid kit is one of the most important things to include in your roadside emergency kit, and you should buy a premade kit that every basic item. Cell phone - Buy a cheap cell phone just for your kit; you don’t need service on it because you can call 911 without a plan, and make sure tha ... read more
Posted on 4/14/2015

If you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to have learned to drive a manual transmission on your parent’s car, you remember the feeling of absolute terror of stalling out in traffic, grinding the gears in front of dad, or – worse – burn out the clutch entirely and risk having to drive the old station wagon to high school. There was a time when sports cars didn’t come with automatic transmission, but today Porsches have to be special ordered with a manual gearbox and Ferrari no longer even sells them. Why? A lack of interest from the North American buying public is one factor and that still very real fear that manual transmission equipped cars require too much attention, effort, and nowadays don’t offer any real fuel economy advantage. But those in the know, those lucky drivers who faced their fears of stalling in an intersection or starting on an uphill, they know the pure joys of what it means to be a driver. Fortunately, some carmakers still know how to ch ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2015

One of the most exciting times in a driver's life is when it's time for a new car. The decision of new car or new-to-you car is a personal one, but if the time is right for a fresh-off-the-lot ride, it's easy to get excited and make mistakes that cost you in the long run. Fortunately, with just a little bit of planning and foresight, anyone can buy a new car at a great rate and be happy with the decision for years to come. Here are 5 mistakes new car buyers make that you should avoid at all costs: Mistake #1 – Making a decision too quickly It can be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and pull the trigger on a new car when you’re feeling excited about a deal, but that can be a major mistake. Salespeople are trained to make a deal seem like it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, when in reality there are deals on new car models every day. You should never feel rushed into making a decision, and at the very least sleep on it and ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2015

Editor's Note: This post comes from a former dealership service department employee (not based in San Diego) who is no longer employed by or affiliated with any service center. This is a true account of one employee's experiences at this specific dealership at one specific time. Many changes have been made at dealership service centers since then, and these issues are not necessarily true for all dealership service centers, automakers, or any service facility now. But it was this way once, and so the story begins. Some years ago now I worked at a dealership for a manufacturer (whose name I will not mention) as a service advisor, and I wound up being quite successful at it. Not for the reasons you may think, but mainly because I was the only one who always answered the phone, greeted customers who were being ignored, and generally acted like a respectful human towards our customers. It was not exactly a secret among the other employees as to who customers preferred to ... read more